December 30, 1771

IMPORTED in the Ship Boſcawen, and to be Sold
By Jonas Clark,
Next Door Mr. William Greenleaf, fronting Cornhill.
A    Freſh    Aſſortment    of    Goods,    ſuitable
for the Seaſon, among which are, a Variety of Broad Cloths, ſuperfine Midling & Drabs, with ſuitable Trimmings for the ſame, Bath Bevers, Drapery and Colcheſter Bays, Blankets, Coatings, Durants, Tammies and Shalloons, of all Colours, and Calamancoes, ſuperfine Hairbinds, Silk Sagathees, double Allopeens, beſt double Camblets, plain and ſtrip'd Cambleteens, Hoſiery, black and colour'd Sattins, black and colour'd ſprigg'd and ſpotted Modes, with a Variety of other Articles, too many to be enumerated ; all which he is determin'd to ſell by Wholeſale or Retail, at the loweſt Rates for Caſh only.
   ALSO ſundry Spices, as Pepper, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, &c. &c.
A General Aſſortment of Engliſh Goods
will be ſold exceedingly cheap as uſual, at his Shop in Cornhill, Boſton.

December 30, 1771

Joſhua Gardner,
Has received per the Boſcawen, Captain Robſon, a Fine Aſſortment of HOSIERY, from the Makers in England, conſiſting of,
   4-thread black, white and coloured Breeches Patterns, Mens mixt, grey and black worſted Hoſe, ſilk & worſted ditto, Mens knit ribb'd worſted Hoſe, Womens black worſted ditto, Womens and Childrens coloured plain and open ſilk Mitts, Womens black and white ſilk Gloves, Mens ſtript Caps, green and ſcarlet ditto, green and cromſon mock Velvet ditto, Womens Cotton Hoſe, Mens random Thread and Cotton Hoſe, all which, with
A General Aſſortment of Engliſh Goods
will be ſold exceedingly cheap as uſual, at his Shop in Cornhill, Boſton.

December 23, 1771

Imported in the laſt Ships from LONDON, by Jonathan Williams, jun.
An Elegant Aſſortment of ſuperfine and other B  R  O  A  D    C  L  O  T  H  S,
With proper Linings & Trimings, compleatly match'd by the Makers in England—Which are to be Sold, together with a neat Aſſortment of ENGLISH and INDIA GOODS in general, at his Ship in Ann Street, below the Draw-Bridge, and directly oppoſite the Drum Maker's, at the head of Barrett's Wharff, at the very loweſt Rates, for
R E A D Y   M O N E Y   O N L Y.
   Thoſe Persons who pleaſe to favour him with their Cuſtom, may depand on the beſt Uſage, and the Obligation gratefully acknowledged.

December 23, 1771

This and To-Morrow Evening.
Will be ſold by Public Vendue at the Auction-Room North-Side of the Market,
A valuable Aſſortment of Articles, viz.
B R O A D Cloths, Kerſeys, Ratteens, German Serges, Duffils, Bearſkins, Pluſhes, Cotton Velvets, Manchester Checks, Linnens, Silk and Cotton Romalls, Printed and Check Linnen Handkerchiefs, Lawns, Callicoes, Dowlas, Oznabrigs, a quantity of Buckles, Silver Watches, Feather Beds, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c.

This and To-Morrow Evening.
A. BOWMAN,  Auctioneer.  
  N. B. At ſaid Auction Room may be had one Sett of Henry's Commentary on the Bible, 6 vol. folio. (new)

December 23, 1771

A wet Nurſe with a good Breaſt
of  Milk,  in  this  Town,  would  take  a  Child  to  Suckle.
Enquire of Edes & Gill.  

December 23, 1771

To be Let, and enter'd upon immediately,
A   Houſe   and   Potter's   Kiln   at
New-Boſton, with the beſt Accomodations of all Kinds for carrying on the Earthen Ware Buſineſs, and has Conveniences which with very little Expence of Wood will enable the Improver to purſue the Buſineſs in the coldeſt Weather, with as great Advantage as in the Summer. A large Quantity of the beſt Long-Iſland and Martha's Vinyard Clay, will be ſold to the Perſon who hires the Works, for Caſh, or ſix Months Credit if more agreeable to the Purchaſer. If deſired by the Perſon who improves the Works, a Part of the Building, which is very large, will be fitted to accommodate a ſmall Family.
Enquire of Edes & Gill.  

December 23, 1771

Notice    is    hereby    given,    That    the
Co-partnerſhip between Hannah and Hepzibah Carnes is mutually diſſolved, and that HANNAH CARNES has removed to the Shop oppoſite to Mr. Cranch the Watch-Maker, near the Mill-Bridge, where ſhe has to ſell, a large and compleat aſſortment of Millenary and Peice [sic] Goods of a general aſſortment, viz. Book Muſlin, 6-4 and yard-wide, Blond Lace and Queens-Gauze, rich flower'd and plain ſpotted and Lace Sattins, Silk Gloves and Mitts of all ſorts, and a general aſſortment for the Ladies, too many to be enumerated.—She continues to carry on the making of all kins of Hats, Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, &c. as uſual.—Bohea Tea by the Dozen or ſmall Quantity. Thoſe who pleaſe to favour her with their Cuſtom, will be gratefully obliged.

December 16, 1771

Cox & Berry
At their Store near the Britiſh Coffee-Houſe in King Street, have Imported in the laſt Ships from London,
A Great Variety of Articles,
Amongſt which are the following,
A   large   and   valuable   Aſſortment   of
Jewellery, conſiſting of Paſte, garnet, marcalite Necklaces and Earings, Solitaires, Sprigs and Pins, paſſe and chryſtal Shoe, Knee and Stock Buckles of all Prices, Diamond, Emerald, Amethyſt, Moco and Garnet Rings; Paſte, Garnet & Marcaſite Broaches, Tortoiſhell Combs ſet with Paſte and Marcaſites, a great Variety of Lockets ſet in Gold, Silver and Pinchbeck, Garnet, Moco and Chryſtal Sleeve Buttons ſet in Gold & Silver, Cornelian and Onyx Seals ſet in Gold ; a great Variety of Plate, as Tankards, Coffee-Pots, Cans, Waiters, Frames and Caſtors, Sugar Baſkets, Punch Strainers, Cream Pails, Pepper Caſtors, Cream Ewers and Urns, Salts, Wine Funnels, Sauce Boats & Ladles, Tureen Ladles, Table and Tea Spoons, Salt Ladles and Shovels, Punch Ladles, ſilver, gilt, plain and chas'd Corrals, Spring Tea Tongs, Decanter Labels, Decanter Corks with Silver Tops, Silver Thimbles, Nutmeg Graters ; a great Variety of Silver Buckles, Silver-mounted Swords and Hangers, Etwee and Pencil Caſes, Silver, Snake and Jack Watch Chains, Sciſſar Chains, Silver-mounted Snuff Boxes, Gold Stock Buckles, plated, Tea Urns, Coffee Pots, Tankards, Cans, Candleſticks, Frames & Caſtors, Waiters, Bottle Stands, Sugar Baſkets, Sauce Boats, Ink Stands, Spurs, Buckles, Stands, Salts, Candleſticks, Snuffers & Stands, Japan'd Tea Urns, Plate Warmers, Tea Trays, Waiters of all Sizes, Candleſticks, Coffee Pots, Tea Cheſts, Ink Stands, Comb Trays, Quadrille Pools, Bread Baſkets, Tea Tongs, Bottle Tickets.
   A few Neat Cheſts of Joiners Tools for Gentlemens uſe. Silver and Ivory Handle Table Knives and Forks in Mahogany and Shagreen Caſes, Penknives, Razors and Shaving Boxes compleat, Money Scales and Weights, Horn Snakes, Spectacles, Paper ſnuff Boxes, Tooth Pick Caſes, Corkſcrews, Nails and Sugar Knippers, Canes and Rattans, Flutes and Fifes, Pincheck Buckles of all Kinds, Steel Watch Chains, Sword Hooks, Chains and Swivels, Pocket Piſtols, Sword and Hanger Blades, Muſic Wire ; a Variety of Articles for Watchmakers, chas'd and plain Gold Horizontal Watches, Silver and Pinchbeck of moſt Sorts, wide and narow Gold and Silver Laces, Knee Garters and Hat Loops, Gold and Silver Twiſt Buttons, Cord and Thread, yellow and white Tinſel Laces, Buttons and Loops, a Quantity of Broad Cloths at the Sterling Coſt. Liewiſe a few Pieces of Buntings for Ships Colours.
A    L    S    O,
A   General   Aſſortment   of   Books,   In
Law, Phyſic, Hiſtory & Divinity, School Books, Bibles and Prayer Books, Seaman's Books, and little Books for Children.
   A compleat Aſſortment of Stationary, viz.
      Writing Paper of all Sorts,
      Account Books.
   A great Variety of Pocket Books, Ivory, Tortoiſhell and Aſs-ſkin, Memorandum Books, Ink Powder and Patent Cake Ink, Quills, Sealing Wax and Wafers, Ink Cheſts, black and red Pencils, Scales and Compaſſes, with many other Articles no inſerted. The whole making as great a Variety as is to be found at any Store in the Town, and will be Sold on as low Terms.
  N. B. The utmoſt Value given for Old Gold and Silver Lace.

December 16, 1771

Pot-Aſh   Kettles
Lately Receiv'd from Hanover, in this Province,
And to be Sold by
Benjamin Andrews, Jun.
Oppoſite the Swing-Bridge,
Caſt from the beſt Bog Ore, equal in
Quality to thoſe made in any other Provice, in America ; warranted to make as large a Quantity of Pot-Aſh, and to fetch as much when render'd unfit for boiling ; not for the Purpoſe of making Bar Iron (as he preſumes thoſe made of either Bog or Mountain Ore, after being impregnated with the Alkali of Aſes, are unſuitable for that Uſe) but for a ſecond Caſting in the Furnaces ;—He has diſposed of a great Number, made from the ſsame Patterns, (which are two Inches thick in every part expoſed to the Fire) and has not received a ſingle Complaint.
   He has likewiſe for Sale, Pot Aſh Coolers, a full aſſortment of Caſt Iron Ware, Philadelphia ſuperfine and common Flour, New-England Rum, 8d. 10d. and 20s. Nails, Ruſſia Duck, Sewing Twine, Copperas, Allum, Redwood, choice Table Fiſh, and a ſmall aſſortment of Engliſh Goods.
Said Andrews has to Let a convenient
Brick Warehouſe, on the South Side the Town-Dock ſuitable for either Engliſh or Weſt-India Goods.

December 16, 1771

To be Sold or Exchang'd—A Schooner
of about 70 Tons, long Quarter-deck, that has been us'd in the Fiſhery—for a larger Veſſel, either Schooner or Brig—or for the Hull of any ſuch Veſſel, exclusive of Sails and Rigging.  For further Particulars,
Enquire of Edes & Gill.   

December 16, 1771

T O   B E   S O L D   B Y
Amorys & Taylor,
At their Store in King-Street, oppoſite the Cuſton Houſe,
A very large and compleat Aſſortment
A L S O,
Of all Prices, extremely cheap,
Gunpowder warranted to be of the beſt Quality.
Window Glaſs, 7 by 5, 6 by 8, 7 by 9, and 10 by 8.

Genuine Kippen's Snuff,
Bohea Tea and Spices,
Writing Paper of all Sorts,
Bibles and Account Books
A Variety of Cutlery and other Hard Ware Goods. As they conſtantly keep by them a large Aſſortment of almoſt every Kind of Goods uſually imported from Great-Britain, and have them immediately from the Manufacturers——Country Shopkeepers may be ſupplied at any Time with what Goods they want, and on as low Terms as at any Store in BOSTON.——Town Shopkeepers alſo, who uſually import their Goods, may have them on ſuch Terms as may anſwer them as well as importing.

December 16, 1771

To be Sold on reaſonable Terms, for
Caſh or Credit, on good Security, or partly in Exhange for a ſmaller Veſſel.
A well-built Ship, 185 Tons, well
found, has been only one Voyage, and has the character of a very faſt Sailer. Inquire of Forteſque Vernon,
Who has to ſell CHEAP,
Engliſh, Ruſſia and Ravens Duck,
Ticklengburgs, Oznabrigs, Iriſh Linnen, Checks, Sheeting, Table Linnen, Cambrick, Lawns, Dowlas, Cotton Velvets, Broad Cloths & Shalloons, Durants, Tammies, Camblets, Ruſſells, &c. &c. Likewiſe, Hemp and Cordage, Lines and Hooks, Sheet and Bar Lead, German Steel, 4d. 6d. 10d. 20d. & 24d. Nails, Brads, 15, 18 and 21 Inch and ſhort Pipes by the Box, Bolt Rope, Twine and Sail Needles, New-England and old Weſt-India Rum, Sugar and Molaſſes, Engliſh Pump Leather and Nails, choice Dumb Fiſh, Salt, Kerſeys, Half Thicks, Duffils, Ratteens, and ſundry other Articles.

December 9, 1771

Imported in the laſt Ships from LONDON, by
John Auſtin, jun.
And to be Sold at his Shop in Charleſtown, near the Pot-Aſh Works,
A large and freſh Aſſortment of En-
gliſh, India and Scotch Goods,
Which he is determined to ſell as cheap as any one in the Provice, for Caſh only, vis.
CRimſon, ſcarlet, blue, drab, chocolate, claret, cinnamon and other colour'd broad-cloths, with trimmings to match the ſame, forreſt cloths, german ſerges, Devonſhire kerſeys, lambſkin, Bath beavers, green and mix'd knapt beaver coating, crimſon, pink and green Colcheſter bays, white flannel, emboſs'd ſerge, ſuperfine black cotton velvet, dark and olive-colour'd velverets, crimſon hair pluſh, black and cloth-coloured drawboys, black everlaſtings, plain black ruſſel, crimſon, green and cloth-coloured ſuperfine broad damaſk, flower'd ruſſells, pink and brown grizetts, brown camblets, plain and ſtriped cambleteens, hungarian and Queen ſtuff, callimancoes, tammies and durants of all colours, ſhalloons, 3 and 4-threaded breeches pieces of all colours, mens and womens worſted and cotton hoſe, mens and womens ſuperfine thread gloves, womens black ſilk gloves, ſilk and worſted mitts of all colours, bath lamb mitts and womens coloured gloves, white and black plain and figured gauze, white and black catgut, white pariſnet, 6 4 muſlin, ſilk linnen and gauze handkerchiefs, brocaded clogs and galoſhoes, black taffaty, black and cloth-coloured ell-wide perſians, black white and blue ſarſnet, yard wide black alamode, black white and blue plain and figured ſattins, black figured modes, black ſcarlet pink and white ſnail trimmings, black bone and blond laces, 3 4, 7-8 and yard wide Iriſh linnen, lawns and cambricks, callico & chints, ſtiped holland,cotton checks of all widths, fine & coarſe bedtick, dowlaſs, oznabrigs, yellow holland, yellow canvas, buckrams, fine ſewing ſilks of all colours, ſilk twiſt, ſilk and hair, crewels of all colours, dlk knee garters, coat, ſhoe and quality binding, ſilk ferrets, ribbons, death-head and baſket buttons, metal and plated ditto, ſhirt buttons, tapes of all widths, white and coloured threads, cap wire, pins, needles, fans, necklaces, combs, chip hats, hatters trimmings of the neweſt faſhion, childrens red Morocco ſhoes, fine and coarſe ſieve-bottoms, Loaf Sugar, Cotton-wool &c.

December 9, 1771

Stolen, a neat Silver Tankard, out of the Houſe of Joſeph Gilman, in Exeter, on Thanſgiving Day, or the Night preceeding, Maker's Name Revere—a Coat of Arms on the Front, conſiſting of three Arrows—the Creſt an armed Arm, holding an Arrow—weight about 30 Ounces, marked on the Bottom. Six Dollars Reward to any Perſon who ſhall return it to the Owner, and as much more, provided they ſecure the Thief, ſo that he is brought to Juſtice.
    Exeter, New-Hampſhire, Nov. 23d, 1771.

December 9, 1771

Richard Salter,
And to be Sold at his Shop in Cornhill, BOSTON,
Extreamly Cheap, by Wholeſale and Retail,
A fine Aſſortment of Winter Goods, Among which are, Very handſome Furr Muffs with and without Tippets, mill'd Gloves and Caps, 7 4, 8 4 and 9-4 Blankets, ſtrip'd Duffle ditto, ſuperfine 6 4 Lamb&#3kins for Surtuits, crimſon, green and black fine Hair Pluſhes, a fine Aſſortment of Cotton Velvets ½-ell wide wove with a Wale, Womens black Silk Velvets, Velvet for Capes of moſt Colors, together with moſt Sorts of Goods for Mens & Womens Wear. Alſo, Cinnamon, Mace, Cloves and Nutmegs, Pepper, choice Bohea Tea, Writing Paper, Ink-Powder, &c. Alſo the beſt Lynn-made Shoes as uſual.

December 9, 1771

By   Ralph   Fiſher,
Oppoſite the Governor's,
A Number of Clothier's Shears newly Imported, with Clother's Jack Cards, Wool Cards and Cotton Cards, Ground Redwood, Madder, and all Sorts of Dye Goods, Hay Seeds of all Sorts, the beſt of French Indigo, and the beſt of Spaniſh Florarento for Mazareen Blues, Cotton Wool and Indigo, never without.