January 27, 1772

Millenery Goods, &c.

At Mrs. Hooper's,
In Auchmuty's Lane near Liberty-Tree, Boſton.
A freſh Supply of the neweſt Kinds
MILLENERY GOODS, juſt received by the laſt Ships from London, and to be ſold very Cheap for ready Monday, conſiſting of very neat Bruſſels and Flanders Lappets, with Laces of all ſorts, neweſt faſhion Gauzes, Lawns, Muſlins, Ribbons, Silver Blond Lace, Italian Flowers, rich Brocades, plain and figur'd Luteſtrings, Mantuas and Ducapes, plain and laced Sattins of all Colours, genteel Muffs, Hats and Bonets, with a few ready-made Womens taſty Engliſh Caps, with all other Kinds Millenary Articles, &c.

January 27, 1772

T H O M A S   L E E,

At his Store near the Swing-Bridge, has imported in the Rockingham, juſt arrived from LONDON ;
SERGES of all Colours, Kerſeys and Flannels, which will be ſold unuſually cheap

S   I   L   K   S.

A beautiful Variety of LADIES SILKS, of almoſt every Kind
  Bruſſels and Mecklin Laces ; Gold and Silver Laces ; Gold and Silver rich Baſket Buttons.
  A large Aſſortment of ENGLISH GOODS, ſuitable for all Seaſons, at the loweſt Rates.
  IRISH LINNENS of all Widths and Prices, from 7s.6d. Old Tenor the Yard, per Piece, very cheap.
  Alſo, Paper Hangings, Powder, Shot, Bar-Lead, Ruſſia Ravens and Engliſh Duck, Oſnaburgs.
  †‡¶ Caſh given for BEES WAX.

January 27, 1772

Stolen the laſt Night, out of the Stable

of the Subſcriber, a Mare of a red Roan, about 14 hands and a half high, 12 years old, with a white ſpot on her right Cheek, of very high Hips, her hind Legs ſomewhat crooked, paces all ; alſo a ruſſet ſaddle and bridle. Whoever ſhall take up ſaid Mare, ſo that the Owner may have her again, ſhall have the above reward, and all neceſſary charges paid by Ephraim Parker, Innholder.
  Reading, Jan. 22, 1772.

January 20, 1772

Exceeding Cheap for CASH,
Herman & Andrew Brimmer,
At their Shop next Door to the Sign of the Lamb, S. E d,
By Wholeſale and Retail,
Being a General Aſſortment of Engliſh,
India and Scotch Goods, imported in the laſt Ships.
Among which are,
A Variety of Luteſtrings, Taffaties,
Paduſoys and Damaſks.
A Good Aſſortment of Hard & Cutlery
W A R E,
Handſome japan'd Tea Urns, Decanter Stands,
Neat poliſh'd Snuffers, ditto on Stands,
Table Bells, Quadrill Boxes and Pearl Fishes [?],
Handſome Muffs and Trimings
A few Pieces beſt Bedtick, Engliſh Goloſhoes, Clogs, and beſt Ruſſell Shoes and Pumps, Lynn ditto,
Spices of all Sorts, Bohea Tea,
Loaf Sugar by the Caſk or leſs,
Powder——Shott——Bar Lead,
Engliſh and German Steel,
Large Aſſortment of Mohair Baſket Buttons,
Plated, gilt and lacquer'd ditto,
Wax Taper Candles and Boxes,
6 by 8, 7 by 9, and 10 by 8 Taylor's Window Glaſs,
&c. &c. &c.

January 20, 1772

T O   B E   L E T,
A good Poſt-Chariot and Pair of
good Horſes, with a careful Driver, would be glad to wait on a Gentleman and Ladies, both in Town or out of Town. Enquire of the Printers.

January 20, 1772

A neat Aſſortment of Writing, Car-
tridge, Clothers and Bonnet Paper, Account Books, Dutch Quills, Holman's London Ink-Powder, &c. To be Sold cheaper than at any Store in Town,
At his Shop in Marlborough-Street, Boſton.
Where may alſo be had,
Every Kind of Piece Goods that are
uſually Imported from London, and much cheaper than they are commonly ſold, for the Caſh——Alſo an Aſſortment of Iriſh Linnen, Sheeting Hollands, Clouting Diaper, Diaper Table Cloths, and a few Pieces of very neat Mantua Silks, to be Sold for the Sterling Coſt and Charges.

January 20, 1772

T O   L E T T,
A FARM in Chelsea,
containing 150 Acres, with a large Houſe and Barn, to be enter'd on the fifth of April next. Alſo to Sell a likely Negro Woman brought up in Town, about 24 Years of Age : Inquire of Edes & Gill.