January 6, 1772

Imported in the laſt Ships from London & to be sold by Samuel Partridge
At his Shop nearly oppoſite Doctor Silverton G[obscured] in Marlborough Street.
  An Aſſortment of Superfine and low prized [obscured] Cloth, down to 40 s. per Yard, Blue, Black & Cloth colour'd Forreſt Cloths, Red and Blue Duffils, Red and Blew half thicks, ſuperfine Red, Blue, Green, and Cloth colour'd german leiges, ſatteens, blue and drab colour'd kerseys, ſhalloons, and trimmings for the above.
  Beſt 4-thread breeches patterns, and low prized ditto, beſt 4-thread worſted hoſe, and low prized ditto, womens and childrens ditto, a general aſſortment of mens, womens and childrens cotton and thread ditto, an aſſortment of womens and childrens black, cloth colour'd and crimſon worſted gloves and mitts, a good aſſortment of mens, womens, girls and children's black and white ſilk gloves and mitts, mens ſuperfine cotton, worſted & mock velvet Caps.
  Black cloth and claret colour'd cotton velvet, an aſſortment of ¾, ⅞ and yard wide linnen, cotton and linnen check, dy'd and white jeans, pillows ditto, ½ inch furniture check, large printed cotton Handkerchiefs, check'd linnen ditto, bedticks, very fine white dimity, ſtriped cotton hollands, black and light colour'd thickſetts.
  Black, Engliſh and China taffity, black and cloth colour'd perſian ditto, roſe colour'd, blue and white ſattin, black, blue, white and roſe colour'd pelong ditto, white figur'd ditto, white, ſtriped, changeable and cloth colourd ¾, ½ ell mantua ſilk, black and blue figur'd mode, ſtriped tobines, brown and yellow paduſoy, black alimode, pink, blue and white ½ ell ſarſenet, ſtriped, blue, green and cloth colour'd brolios, a compleat aſſortment of faſhionable ribbons, ſilk ferrets, ſtay & ſhoe gallooms,
  Nankeens, bandanno handkerchiefs, black barcelona ditto, book muſlin, cambricks, lawns, long lawns, bengalls.
  Rich meeklins, croſs-barr'd and figur'd yard wide ſtuff, ſundry ſorts of crape, dorſetteens, venetian polins, ſilveretts, grizetts, fine durants, wide and narrow tammies, double camblets, plain and croſs bar'd camblets, ſtuffs, worſted grograms of divers colours, calimancoes of all colours, black ruſſels, green and crimſon worſted damaſk, bombazeens and alopeens, quality & ſhoe bindings, a faſhionable aſſortment of callicoes, rich blue and white coperplate bed furniture, ſewing ſilks of all colours, mens, womens and boys black buff kid gloves, mens womens and childrens black lamb gloves and mitts, white kid ditto, womens and children's beſt double glazed bath lamb ditto, pompadore and cloth colour'd ditto, womens graind ditto, black, white, plain and figur'd gauze, black cyprus gauze, widows crape, black and white catgutt, wax'd threads of all colours, pins, fine ell wide Iriſh ſheeting, damaſk table cloths and napkins, white blond laces, black bone ditto, white ſtay and brown buckram, yellow holland, womens Engliſh ſtays, Lynn made ſhoes ¾, ⅞ dowlaſs, a large and beauiful aſſortment of leather and paper mounted fans, writing paper, paper hangings, preſs paper, oznabrigs, ticklinburghs, ruſſia and ravens duck, ſuperfine 7-4 & 11-4 blankets, holland and diaper tapes.
  N. B. To be ſold at the ſterling coſt, a piece of pompadore ground brocaded Sattin.

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